Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pregnancy Week 4


Well if you are reading the heading of this, then you now know, I am pregnant! I was really getting worried when Monday I had spotting at the restaurant with my in-laws. I tested 2 days ago and got a light positive. Then the next day I got a darker positive.

I was shocked when I saw the positives! I have NEVER EVER gotten a positive that early, 12dpo! But it was there and that was exciting! I have my first dr's appointment on April 2nd, and I can't wait!!!
So far I have had nausea, back ache, peeing at on, my face is breaking out bad, I am hungry like crazy, I am exhausted, and that is pretty much it

1 comment:

  1. Hey did you know you can buy these things called preggie pops? they are suckers or drops to suck on for morning sickness! You can order them on Ebay. I usually click buy it now and buy them. Let me know what you think, they worked great for me!
