Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cycle Day 24

Well, here we are cycle day 24! I haven't really written because there hasn't really been much to update! Well today there is need of updating! I am really beginning to think I ovulated on cd 17! My temps have been up this whole time. And I had cramping yesterday like you wouldn't believe. I have had nausea throughout the day. I have NEVER EVER EVER had nausea this early in my pregnancy if there is something brewing down there. I have been peeing a lot! I have had real bad fatigue. I started getting a little more mucus.. (I KNOW TMI! ) Down there.. If this is when I ovulated then I really can't test til cd 30! Which is in a week! However depending on if my body has enough hCg I might test 3 days early. I am feeling more and more anxious everyday that goes by. Every morning when I temp I am like oh god what is it gonna be today. I can't wait to see what is in store for us! I am excited to share another pregnancy with you all!
I have been getting asked if we are if we are going to do the intellegender test and I just wanted to say YES we are! I don't know exactly when we will be doing it, but I will be doing a video on it if we are in fact pregnant! All in all we shall see.. I can't wait to see what happens in the next week!