Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pregnancy Week 4


Well if you are reading the heading of this, then you now know, I am pregnant! I was really getting worried when Monday I had spotting at the restaurant with my in-laws. I tested 2 days ago and got a light positive. Then the next day I got a darker positive.

I was shocked when I saw the positives! I have NEVER EVER gotten a positive that early, 12dpo! But it was there and that was exciting! I have my first dr's appointment on April 2nd, and I can't wait!!!
So far I have had nausea, back ache, peeing at on, my face is breaking out bad, I am hungry like crazy, I am exhausted, and that is pretty much it

Friday, March 19, 2010

Cycle Day 25

Ovulation ticker

So If I have a 29 day cycle this month, I am due for my period in 5 days! If it is a 28 day cycle I am due in 4 days! 30 day cycle due in 6 days, and a 31 due in a week! I have a feeling aunt flow will not be coming. I have had cramping on and off today. I have been wicked gassy today too which is not ever as bad as it is.. HAHAHA.. I am getting more and more anxious and nervous as the days get closer to the day that I find out if I am pregnant. I begin thinking what I am going to do, how TJ will take it and mostly can I handle this? I mean I know I can handle this, I already have three boys, but it is the fact of if I can handle all three living with me. Brandon doesn't live with me, he lives with his father. And not to mention this will be three babies under the age of 3! I am also beginning to wonder what I am going to do if I can't sell this wedding gown. I will have to move the wedding up or something. I can't exactly wear it, it won't fit!
Anyways I can not wait to test and see what is going on.. I don't know when exactly I will test, all I know is I might wait til cycle day 30/31!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cycle Day 24

Well, here we are cycle day 24! I haven't really written because there hasn't really been much to update! Well today there is need of updating! I am really beginning to think I ovulated on cd 17! My temps have been up this whole time. And I had cramping yesterday like you wouldn't believe. I have had nausea throughout the day. I have NEVER EVER EVER had nausea this early in my pregnancy if there is something brewing down there. I have been peeing a lot! I have had real bad fatigue. I started getting a little more mucus.. (I KNOW TMI! ) Down there.. If this is when I ovulated then I really can't test til cd 30! Which is in a week! However depending on if my body has enough hCg I might test 3 days early. I am feeling more and more anxious everyday that goes by. Every morning when I temp I am like oh god what is it gonna be today. I can't wait to see what is in store for us! I am excited to share another pregnancy with you all!
I have been getting asked if we are if we are going to do the intellegender test and I just wanted to say YES we are! I don't know exactly when we will be doing it, but I will be doing a video on it if we are in fact pregnant! All in all we shall see.. I can't wait to see what happens in the next week!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cycle Day 20

We are getting closer to the end of my cycle. I am sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days as there was NOT much to update on. I am PRETTY sure there is something of some sort brewing down there. The past 3 days I have had nausea, yesterday was the worst out of all 3. I have had cramping yesterday and this morning, and yesterday my temp dipped and this morning spiked back up again! I am going to be shocked if I don't end up pregnant, I am beginning to think I ovulated on cd 13 instead of cd 14. I am a little worried because it seems EVERYTIME I have had sex on my ovulation day I have ended up with a boy. PLEASE GOD HOPING MY GIRL SWAM THE FASTEST! Beat those boys!
Yesterday I had nausea wicked bad. I have NEVER had nausea this early if I am pregnant! We shall see.........

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cycle Day 17

Hello Journal,
Well here we are cycle day 17! I took my temp this morning and it was 98.2. A little different then yesterday, as it was 98.3. I have been temping first thing in the morning and checking later on in the day to see if I go higher then that. Well the past 2 days my temp has been 99.9. That to me is a fever. I am always lower then 98.0 in fact I think normal temp for me is in the 97's. When I was preggo with Dylan my temps went CRAZY .. HIGH low HIGH low HIGH low.. Never went beyond the line. So to be 1 degree less then yesterday doesn't surprise me. When I was pregnant with Dylan my temps were as well in the 98's and at night would be fairly close to 99-100.. I am excited to see if that is the same case this time around.
I want to state again in this that we were not TRYING. I am saying this because I mean it. We had unprotected sex 2 times this month and reason being we just didn't feel like pulling out. It was one of those moments being in the heat you say lol.. Reason why I am tracking everything now is I had realized I happened to have sex around ovulation. I NEVER keep track of what cycle day I am on. I only look at the calendar and say I should get my period this day and that is all. This time I was like oh god what cycle day am I on and BAM it was the day before or 2 days before I was supposed to ovulate. And in case I do indeed end up pregnant I would like to have a keepsake of what went down.
Anyways today has so far been a good day. I have noticed a change again in my cervical mucus. I don't feel dry like I did yesterday and the day before..I don't know if that means anything. I don't remember my mucus really from when I had been pregnant from Dylan.
All I know is there are 11 days til this cycle ends and as each day gets closer I get more nervous at the outcome. Tj still has no idea that I might be pregnant, I plan on surprising him the day I find out or after I find out. I dont know yet. All I know is I plan on doing it differently this time. I plan on maybe waiting til my ultrasound and bringing that home to him. Last time with Dylan I just blurted it all out to him. And he didn't believe me til I heard the heart beat and even then he didn't believe it til we saw Dylan on the screen.
All in all we have 11 days left until I find out what is going on in there :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cycle Day 16

Ovulation ticker
Hello journal,
I have been trying so hard to keep my secret of possible pregnancy away from people. But me I am a open book. So this has been hard. I am normally good at keeping stuff away from people, but when it came to possibly being pregnant that is one thing that I couldn't ever keep to myself. I have decided to tell very few people that I can confide in, and with that do not plan on coming out to anyone else until I am 8 weeks pregnant!
This past week Tj and I have had unprotected sex three days before I ovulated. Which is why I am documenting everything in case I end up pregnant. If you remember I blogged on youtube when I conceived Dylan. This time is different. We have been having tons of mishaps this month. Well at least two mishaps, which hasn't happened since we conceived Dylan. But this one time is the one I am more concerned about. I have been charting as well, but I don't plan on putting that up here until I am over cycle.
So far I have been really antsy, I don't know if it is possibly the fact of thinking about what could come up the next 2 weeks.. I don't know if it is simply wanting the next 2 weeks over.. Or maybe what will Tj think and his family. Or the fact of how I will be as a mother of 4 but living with 3. Can I handle this?
I have so many emotions going through my body.
If I am pregnant, I will be 18 weeks along when I get married. All I know is I am blogging this in case I am. I have started temping this morning and have on fertility friend some symptoms I have had the past 2 days. Just in case I am in fact pregnant. This feels good, writing about this. I am feeling a little better. Along with this I have been doing videos. I plan on coming out on youtube and saying HEY WATCH THIS when I am 8 weeks along. I dk how I will do it but I am excited to see what they say.. Well this is enough for now.. I will try to update tomorrow!